Mental Health

The pleasures and perils of solitude

The pleasures and perils of solitude

Learning to navigate loneliness and find community in adulthood

The gifts of independence can only do so much to counteract the emotional toll of isolation.

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Am I worthy?

Am I worthy?

It's like having impostor syndrome for your very existence! Fun!

If I’m not actively being affirmed, I am worthless. If I’m not being reassured that I have value, I must have none. There is no safe moment inside my own head except for the ones when somebody else is telling me I did a good job.

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What it’s like (for me) to have a panic attack

What it’s like (for me) to have a panic attack

The anxiety was no longer coming from something recognizable, from one or even many sources — it came from everywhere.

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Beat Saber has changed my life for the better

Beat Saber has changed my life for the better

Or: how playing a video game has made me a healthier, happier person

For the first time in a long time — maybe ever — I actually feel optimistic about getting into shape, and I feel like I have more control over my anxiety, rather than it controlling me.

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