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Am I worthy?

Am I worthy?

It's like having impostor syndrome for your very existence! Fun!

If I’m not actively being affirmed, I am worthless. If I’m not being reassured that I have value, I must have none. There is no safe moment inside my own head except for the ones when somebody else is telling me I did a good job.

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What it’s like (for me) to have a panic attack

What it’s like (for me) to have a panic attack

The anxiety was no longer coming from something recognizable, from one or even many sources — it came from everywhere.

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Beat Saber has changed my life for the better

Beat Saber has changed my life for the better

Or: how playing a video game has made me a healthier, happier person

For the first time in a long time — maybe ever — I actually feel optimistic about getting into shape, and I feel like I have more control over my anxiety, rather than it controlling me.

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